bsuite Bug Fixes (release b2v6)

[innerindex]Update: bugfix release b2v7 available.

It’s been a while since I released a new version of bsuite, my multi-purpose WordPress plugin. I’d been hoping to finish up a series of new features, but those have been delayed and this is mostly just a collection of bugfixes. This update is recommended for all bsuite users.

bsuite Features

  • Tracks page loads (hits)
  • Tracks search terms used by visitors ariving at your site via search engines
  • Reports top-performing stories via a function that can be included in the sidebar
  • Reports recent comments via a function that can be included in the sidebar
  • Reports top search terms via a function that can be included in the sidebar
  • Outputs a pulse graph of activity on your site or specific stories
  • Highlights search words used by visitors ariving at your site via search engines
  • Lists related posts at the bottom of the current post’s content
  • Suggests posts that closely match the search criteria for visitors who arrive via search engines
  • Integrates bsuite_speedcache
  • Does some stuff with tags


  • The bsuite report consolidates the two uselessly differentiated top stories lists and adds a top movers list.

  • The report also includes a hugely updated Quick Stats section listing today’s current tally and a prediction of the day’s total along with other goodies.

  • The table definitions have been updated and optimized for better performance. Zach contributed some optimizations to the bstat_hitit() function and underlying MySQL queries, and you’ll also find a number of small code optimizations scattered throughout.

  • This version finally creates and configures it’s tables automatically upon activation. You no longer need to visit the plugin’s option screen for this to happen.

  • A fix to address a MySQL error for users running MySQL 5 has been long overdue. It’s in here.

  • Numbers in the reports are now formatted with commas or whatever local format you’ve set MySQL for, using MySQL’s FORMAT() function.

  • As requested, I’ve added a function — bstat_hits() — return just the hit count for a story or for the whole blog.

  • As requested, you can now manually clear the bsuite_speedcache.

  • As prompted, prodded, and cajoled, I’ve finally made a change to report hits to the front page (and other pages without post IDs).

  • I did a bunch of thinking about tags a while ago, and bsuite now keeps an index of tags in a separate table. I’ve got plans to use this for later features, but for now it’s just a curiosity that shouldn’t cause any problems.

  • You can now switch between

                                            This appears to make it compatible with a number of existing tag management strategies now in use — including those used by [Ecto][33] and [SimpleTags][34].
                                            Tags in <tag> and