bsuite WordPress Plugin (b2 release)

[innerindex]The first thing we all have to agree on is that bsuite is the replacement for bstat. The name change reflects that fact that the plugin is doing a lot more than simply track page loads. The most exciting new feature is a module I can’t help but call bsuggestive. It uses the tags of the current post to suggest related posts to your readers. And when readers arrive at your site via a search engine, it not only highlights the search words they used, but offers a list of other posts matching their search criteria.

Why “b2”? I released b1 privately a while ago, and I’ve been running it here at MaisonBisson since September.

bsuite Features

  • Tracks page loads (hits)
  • Tracks search terms used by visitors ariving at your site via search engines
  • Reports top-performing stories via a function that can be included in the sidebar
  • Reports recent comments via a function that can be included in the sidebar
  • Reports top search terms via a function that can be included in the sidebar
  • Outputs a “pulse” graph of activity on your site or specific stories
  • Highlights search words used by visitors ariving at your site via search engines NEW!
  • Lists related posts at the bottom of the current post’s content NEW!
  • Suggests posts that closely match the search criteria for visitors who arrive via search engines NEW!
  • Integrates bsuite_speedcache NEW!
  • Does some stuff with tags NEW!


This documentation supersedes any previous documentation.

I need to be honest, it’s been too long since the last public release for me to remember all the details. I haven’t really been keeping records on all this, so if you’ve been running the previous version and you discover a problem, please tell me about it.

The first change is that the plugin is now in a file named “bsuite.php”. As you install it you’ll need to deactivate the previous “bstat.php” version to avoid conflicts.

Another big change is that bsuite will now start tracking page loads as soon as it’s activated. You no longer need to put any code in your theme. But if you’re upgrading from a version where you already have that code in your theme, it also includes code to prevent it from double-counting any page loads.

The other functions from bstat b4 are all there, and I don’t believe there are any changes to the way they’re called.

The options submenu is almost entirely redesigned. It should be pretty self explanatory, but there’s documentation below.


Update: bugfix release b2v7 available.

  • Download and unzip

  • Place bsuite.php in you wp-content/plugins directory

  • Place spacer.gif in your wp-content directory

  • Log in to your WordPress admin panel and activate the plugin, then visit the new bsuite submenu of the options tab. This will allow bsuite to create its database tables. Stats collection will start automatically; you can see the results in the new bsuite Reports submenu of your Dashboard

    • Once installed, be sure to enable the options and consider customizing the look by adding the bsuite CSS to your theme’s CSS (sample CSS here).

In order to view the stats reports reports on your public pages, you’ll need to add the display functions to your pages.


If you’re upgrading from bstat, be sure to delete or deactivate the old plugin before activating the new one. And don’t forget to visit the bsuite submenu of the options tab so that it can create its new db tables.


The bstat submenu of the options tab has three configurable settings:

  • Minimum userlevel to view bsuite reports The options are restricted to users at userlevel 8 or above, but you can choose who can view the reports.

  • Output default CSS Some of the bsuite functions require CSS styles not found in the average style sheet. This will output default styles.

  • Default pulse graph style This sets how values are interpolated in drawing the pulse graph. Experiment with the options to see how they work.

  • Suggest related entries in post This will insert a block of links at the tail of each (tagged) post’s content with links to related posts at your site.

  • Highlight search words and offer search help The first part of this should be obvious, but the real trick here is using those search words to offer other related content from your site to visitors. It works (and looks) a lot like the option above, but the suggestions only appear when search words are detected.

    • Filter incoming search terms using comment moderation and blacklist words. Referrer spam is as much of a problem as trackback spam. There are a few tricks in bstat to prevent the problem, but here’s one you can configure. Selecting this option tells bstat to not display search terms that contain words in your moderation list or blacklist.

    • Ignore hits from registered users at or above userlevel No author wants to skew their stats just by poking around their own site.

      • Ignore hits from these IP numbers. Sites with low traffic may find that activity by authors severely skews the stats tracking. Enter an IP address here to ignore it.

      Tag Support

      Until WordPress adopts a standardized way to manage tags, we’ll have to deal with things like this.

      bsuite recognizes tags in three forms:

      • Any link with a rel=”tag” attribute
      • Any number of single tags like this: tag name
      • A block of comma-delimited tags like this:

      This appears to make it compatible with a number of existing tag management strategies now in use — including those used by Ecto and SimpleTags.

      Tags in and