
a bunch of stuff I would have emailed you about

McCain Staffers: More Whisky. Stat!

John McCain’s election team apparently told staff at The Phoenix Biltmore to have extra whisky on hand for their election party tonight. They’re not just planning to drown their sorrows: Republicans and Republican-leaning independents drink more whisky than the national average. Sweet photo by Bearfaced, though I almost used this picture of barrels (or this […] » about 100 words

Techno Viking Rocks More Than Other Vikings (And Vikings Generally Rock)

The TechnoViking will have you scratching your head for the first 90 seconds, then ROFLing for a while. Not enough yet? Watch him dance toIt’s a Piece Of Cake To Bake A Pretty Cake.” This one claims to be the original, and though the sound is bad the video quality is much better than the others.

Thing is, now that you’ve watched it a couple times, did he stop a pickpocket or admonish a groper at the beginning?

Apache Virtual Hosting Black Magic

I’ve configured Apache for virtual hosting on more sites than I can count, but I’ve always just kind of stumbled through until now. What’s changed? The Apache 2.2 documentation is worlds better than the old 1.3 docs (even though the old docs rank highest in Google). So here they are: name-based virtual hosts, plus virtual host configuration examples (including an example mixed name and IP virtual hosting, which is what I needed), and some tips on dynamically configured mass virtual hosting.

Determining Paths and URLs In WordPress 2.6+

WP 2.6 allows sites to move the wp-content directory around, so plugin developers like me can’t depend on them being in a predictable location. We can look to the WP_CONTENT_DIR and WP_PLUGIN_DIR constants for answers, but a better solution is likely to use the X_url() functions. The most useful of those is likely to be plugins_url(). Even better, you can give these functions a relative path and they’ll return a fully qualified URL to the item.

WordPress Bug: Duplicate post_meta Entries

I just submitted a trac ticket about this:

The update_post_meta() and delete_post_meta() functions don’t know how to deal with post revision IDs. add_post_meta() does, it uses the following block of code to make sure the passed $post_id is a real post, not a revision:

``` if ( $the_post = wp_is_post_revision($post_id) ) $post_id = $the_post; ```

This is important because the global $post_id when a post is being saved is for the revision, not the real post. If you pass that to these functions, update_post_meta() and delete_post_meta() will try to update or delete the records related to the revision. When update_post_meta() fails to find any records for the post_id you submitted, it calls add_post_meta(). Each attempt at updating the meta will actually create a new row in the table.

For now I’m checking with wp_is_post_revision() before making any calls to the post_meta functions.

Updated: Mark Jaquith committed the patch less than two hours after I submitted it! I love WP.

Comfort, Thy Name Is Sumo

I sink into a strange, giant blue marshmallow and sigh contentedly. I balked at this new furniture.  I balk at anything that I don’t actually pick out.  I didn’t pick this out, Casey acquired it on his own. Our home is small and I am very picky about what goes into it.  This was a […] » about 600 words

Edward Tufte On The iPhone’s UI Design

Edward “to clarify add detail” Tufte, who criticizes the PowerPointing of America, earlier this year posted a video on the iPhone’s UI design. He loves the photo viewer (except the grid-lines between images are too big), he loves the web browser (except the navigation bar takes up too much space), he calls the weather app an […] » about 200 words

Another Reason I’m Glad I Left Verizon

I received the following message from Clickatell, the SMS gateway provider I use to programmatically send text messages to cell phones: Please be advised that US carrier Verizon Wireless has announced that they will be charging an additional 3c per SMS for all application originated mobile terminated messaging beginning November 1, 2008. This increase will […] » about 400 words