
Inter-AZ cloud network performance

Archana Kesavan of ThousandEyes speaking at NANOG75 reports that network traffic between AZs within a single region is generally “reliable and consistent,” and that tested cloud providers offer a “robust regional backbone for [suitable for] redundant, multi-AZ architectures.”

ThousandEyes ran tests at ten minute intervals over 30 days, testing bidirectional loss, latency, and jitter. Kesavan reported the average inter-AZ latency for each tested cloud:

.82ms 1.05ms 0.79ms

Within the four tested regions in AWS, they found:

Region Latency
us-east-1 0.92ms
ap-south-1 0.72ms
eu-west-2 0.61ms
sa-east-1 1.13ms

Kesavan’s slides and video are online.

Parts of a network you should know about

If you’re running infrastructure and applications on AWS then you will encounter all of these things. They’re not the only parts of a network setup but they are, in my experience, the most important ones.

The start of Graham Lyons’ introduction to networking on AWS, which (though the terms may change) is a pretty good primer for networking in any cloud environment. Though cloud infrastructure providers have to deal with things at a different later, Graham’s post covers the basics—VPCs, subnets, availability zones, routing tables, gateways, and security groups—that customers need to manage when assembling their applications.

AWS regions, AZs, and VPCs, NICs, IPs, and performance

Jump to section: Availability zones and regions VPCs Elastic IPs and Elastic Network Interfaces Network performance Resources by scope Connectivity by scope Availability zones and regions AWS’ primary cloud is available in 15 regions, each with two to six availability zones, not including separately operated regions (with independent identity) for GovCloud and China. » about 4600 words

SSH Tunneling Examples

Most of my work is available publicly, but some development is hosted on a private SVN that’s hidden behind a firewall. Unfortunately, my primary development server is on the wrong side of that particular firewall, so I use the following command to bridge the gap: ssh -R 1980:svn_host:80 That creates a reverse tunnel through […] » about 200 words

GlobeSurfer X-1 Wireless Broadband Router

Option GlobeSurfer X•1 router: “a new product that transforms any USB wireless modem into an instant Internet-connected WiFi network capable of supporting multiple users.” Too bad I can’t figure out where to buy it. Also too bad that I can’t simply do this with a jail-broked iPhone. I mean, doesn’t an iPhone have everything it […] » about 100 words

[Insert Word Here] Is Hurting Your Network

Corporate networks are defenseless against the growing threat from instant messaging, and the government warns WiFi is insecure and easily sniffed.

Experts suggest we take precautions against the growing risk of p2p software that’s exposing sensitive documents and threatening national security.

Businesses blame security problems on their employees, their mobile devices, and other consumer technologies.

And now we have MySpace.

Rocking Wirelessly: Verizon’s V640 EVDO Card

After <a href="">vacillating for a while</a> (and <a href="">waiting for it to become available</a>), I finally purchased one of the <a href="">Verizon</a> / <a href="">Novatel V640</a> <a href="">Express Card</a> <a href="">EVDO</a> adapters that <a href="">everybody's talking about</a> for my <img border=0 width=1 height=1 src="" /><a href="">MacBook Pro</a>. » about 300 words