
Business Marketing Babble Makes Me Laugh

Found on Jeff Nolan’s blog:

Competitive Intelligence: “a large fuzzy animal may be a bear.”

Marketing: “SAP can help you understand your fuzzy animals. With over 30 years in the fuzzy animal industry, we know if you are looking at a bear, a guy in a coat, or a large dog.”

Communications: “In today’s world of increasing challenges, It’s obvious fuzzy animals are what our customers care about.”

Sales: “Who cares what it is. Let’s kill it and eat it.”


It’s Friday, a day when I drop my journalistic standards and usually publish whatever video or joke somebody forwarded me during the week. This one came from my dad: A guy is driving around and he sees a sign in front of a house: “Talking Dog For Sale.” He rings the bell and the owner […] » about 300 words

Ear Shrapnel Noise Grenade

Engadget calls it “skull-shattering fun” and Gizmodo labeled it “ear shrapnel.” It’s available at and Boy’s Stuff, though nobody seems to have yet found a domestic supplier. From the catalog page: The Sonic Grenade features three different levels of the most noxious sound since the last Westlife album. To launch, pull the pin and […] » about 200 words