content management system

The Sungard/SCT Luminis Content Management Suite Demo

We got the demo yesterday of Sungard/SCT‘s Luminis Content Management Suite (sales video). I mentioned previously that the sales rep thinks Pima Community College and Edison College show it off well. Here’s what we learned in the demo: It started with the explanation that data is stored as XML, processed by JSP, and rendered to […] » about 800 words

Kim’s CMS Shortlist

With 1,800 CMS vendors in the marketplace, we’re mining what we know or know-of as a way to shorten the list. Kim named the following four:

  • Joomla, a derivative of Mambo
  • Collage appears to have good content reuse features
  • OmniUpdate has a good list of higher ed clients
  • Drupal: open source and turning heads

CMS Pitfalls

Everybody wants a content management system, but there’s little agreement about what a CMS is or what it should do. Even knowledgeable people often find themselves struggling for an answer before giving up and defining a CMS by example. The problem is that we know we want better websites, and we know technology should help, […] » about 500 words

Editing WordPress “Pages” Via XML-RPC

WordPress‘s Pages open the door to using WP as a content management system. Unfortunately, Pages can’t be edited via XML-RPC blogging apps like Ecto. This might be a good thing, but I’m foolhardy enough to try working around it. Here’s how: Find a text editor you like and open up the wp-includes/functions-post.php file. in the […] » about 300 words