
I Feel Great

Transcipt: What? Oh, yeah. I feel great. Larry, I’m quittin’ the company and startin’ my own. And by the way, I feel great. Steve, you’re a great guy with great skills, you’re gonna do great. *pounds fist* What the hell, I’m comin’ with ya. Ooohhhhfff. Hey, you’re hot and I feel great. Let’s get married. […] » about 300 words

Kim’s CMS Shortlist

With 1,800 CMS vendors in the marketplace, we’re mining what we know or know-of as a way to shorten the list. Kim named the following four:

  • Joomla, a derivative of Mambo
  • Collage appears to have good content reuse features
  • OmniUpdate has a good list of higher ed clients
  • Drupal: open source and turning heads