
Porn consumption by geography and type

This is shamefully old news, but Pornhub released stats that correlate viewing preferences by geography and pulled out a quote too juicy to ignore:

Dixie loves dicks so much that the percentage of gay viewers for every single state in the South is higher than the average of the legal gay marriage states.

Choropleth of searches for gay porn

I’m concerned that some of the numbers are contradicted in three different places in the same article, but it suits my worldview, so why bother questioning it?

Even older is a 2009 study that showed Utah had the highest rate of porn subscriptions.

[T]hose who attend religious services [on Sunday] shift their consumption of adult entertainment to other days of the week, despite on average consuming the same amount of adult entertainment as others.

Porn subscriptions per capita by state

This too is just too funny to question (though the author seems forthcoming about the limitations of the data).

Thinking of convenient material too funny to question, this was almost exactly a decade ago.

Back to the present, a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences compared “tightness–looseness” (“strength of punishment and degree of latitude/permissiveness”) and came up with the following map (as it appeared in Mother Jones):

Tightness-looseness choropleth map

That particular paper is just too rich with detail to excerpt from. It’s a quick read, just go for it. Though, if you’re too lazy for that, at least you can appreciate the correlation between this map and the others.