WiFi Seeker, Finder, Detector Roundup

Canary Wireless - The Digital Hotspotter.Handtops.com has published a WiFi Seeker, Finder, Detector Roundup. The five models they reviewed include:

Smart ID WiFi Detector – WFS-1

PCTEL WiFi Seeker

Kensington WiFi Finder Plus

Hawking Technologies WiFi Locator – HWL1

Canary Wireless Digital Hotspotter – HS10

My favorite, and it’s not based on any experience with any of these products, is the Canary Wireless Digital Hotspotter. It’s the smartest of the bunch and shows

The Digital Hotspotter is the first full-featured, second-generation Wi-Fi detection and analysis device. Like “first generation” analog Wi-Fi detectors, the Digital Hotspotter detects signal availability and strength. However, it is the only device of its kind that provides essential information about wireless networks, including: Network ID, Signal Strength, Encryption Status, and Channel.

And before you ask, they’ve already answered: Who needs The Digital Hotspotter?

The downside? Handtops reported an anomoly during testing (read the review to find out what it was and why they weren’t too concerned), it’s 50 bucks, and it’s backordered.

Thanks to WiFi Net News for the link.