This Land

Greg & Evan Spiridellis oever at Jib Jab have put together a damn funny flash movie about the presidential race.

From the lyrics:

Kerry: “You can’t say ‘nuclear,’ that really scares me. Sometimes a brain can come in quite handy”

Bush: “you’re a liberal sissy”

Kerry: “you’re a right wing nut job”

Bush: “you’re a pinko commie”

Kerry: “you’re dumb as a doorknob”

Bush: “hey, you got that botox”

Kerry: “but I still won three purple hearts”

That last bunch of insults from the cartoon helps frame the debate: What do you fear more: an intelligent, contemplative (perhaps metrosexual) president with real military credentials, or a dumb-sounding, dumb-appearing, evil-doing, Air National Guard deserting president? Ah, just watch the video.