Of Life & Death…

I’m not sure I could say it any better than David Rothman did when he went off topic over at TeleRead to make note of some important issues related to the Terri Schiavo matter. Rothman points at the bigger issue, but doesn’t come out and say it: all life concludes with death; indeed, the leading cause of death is birth. I’m not being flippant, I mean this. Life is filled with serious and difficult choices, including some related to the end of life.

Now, like Rothman, I’ll quote the following from a message on Virginia’s Online Democratic Network:

It just doesn’t make sense. They pray and legislate to prolong the death of a single person, they voted and support an administration inflicting pain, suffering and death of thousands. They cut the health care funds of the living…

— The Bush budget cuts $45 billion from Medicaid, enough to provide health care to 1.8 million children. Virginia’s share of these cuts is $587 million.

— Bush’s budget cuts the very same community and rural health care programs he touted during the campaign, even though more than 148,000 Virginia residents have lost their health care coverage since Bush took office due to his failures.

Where is the “compassion” in all of that?