High Speed Wireless

Michael Sciannamea at WirelessWeblog noted that:

BMW, Audi, Daimler Chrysler, Volkswagen, Renault, and Fiat have all received grants from the German government to develop a car-to-car wireless data network using 802.11a and IPv6 technologies to link vehicles to each other to pass on information about traffic, bad weather, and accidents.

They’re calling it “NOW: Network on Wheels,” and there’s more at Wi-FiPlanet.com.

My comment: static mesh networks are so 2004. 2005 will be about fully mobile, autonomys mesh networks. And to prove it I’m posting this quote from Forschungsbereich Dezentrale Systeme und Netzdienste (Decentralized Systems and Network Services) at the University of Karlsruhe:

The research group ‘Decentralized Systems and Network Services’ designs and analyzes protocols and algorithms for computer networks and distributed systems. Our main focus is on increasing the level of self-organisation in networks and oncorresponding efficiency, security and robustness issues. The group has a strong background in ad hoc networking techniques, in particular for inter-vehicle communications, andin IP-based mobility support. Methodology-wise we cover analysis, simulation and actual prototypes and testbeds.