Grandma Had More Sex

FleshBot pointed to a story in The Guardian that reports on a study by Prima Magazine that suggests married women of today have less sex than married women of the 1950s.

women in the 1950s had sex an average of twice a week. But a survey found two-thirds of today’s women said they were too tired to manage that much.

When I mentioned this to Sandee, she echoed what Prima says about it:

Since then we have started working and often still have to run the home and look after the kids. It’s hard to find the time for sex, and when we go to bed we are too tired to do anything but sleep.

Kids aren’t an issue at MaisonBisson, of course, but Sandee’s perfect world is one in which she can be a full-time home-maker. She would gladly greet me at the door with a drink and a smile when I return from work, she says.

Of course, the problem there is that wages haven’t kept up with inflation, and most households require two or more breadwinners.