
Geolocating The News

Globe on Flickr by AmyvdhLast week I got excited about the as-yet unreleased geolocation API for BBC Backstage. Now Larry D. Larsen of the Poynter Institute is excited too. In a post titled The Future of News (… Hint: GPS){#31&aid=83597} he talks about putting news in geographic context with geolocation tags.

Eventually, clicking an article in a news/Google Map hybrid might zoom in to a 3D model of the area where an automatic pop-up starts playing a slideshow with pictures of the scene or streaming video along with the text news content. Imagine integrating Google Maps into your classifieds so readers could search for jobs based on what is close to their house. The possibilities are endless.

It’s aparently an old saw{#31&aid=82997} of his, but I hope his message starts to get through.

Credit goes to Ernie Miller for the blinking this at The Importance Of….