Delicious Library & Earthcomber & What?

I’ll be saving my pennies, because Delicious Library may be the coolest new app in a while. Ars Technica revied a beta and gave it an 8.5 out of 10 — for a beta of a 1.0 product.

People are right when they suspect that something very different is going on over in the Mac corner of the software development universe. Is it something crazy, or something sublime? You be the judge.

Delicious Library is a visual database for cataloging books, movies, and music. And the emphasis is on creating a database that can be browsed visually:

Rather than just showing disembodied cover images sitting on a shelf, Delicious Library includes artwork for each kind of media packaging: jewel cases for CDs, keep cases for DVDs, even packaging for GameBoy Advance games. But the cover art is not just pasted onto these templates. Instead, it’s incorporated into them according to the configuration of the physical packaging.

Heck, just go look at the screenshots to see what John Siracusa and I are gushing about.

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MyPalmLife has published what looks like a press release for Earthcomber.

Earthcomber is a FREE virtual treasure map for Palm-powered devices. It allows you to find exactly what you want, wherever you are. As you travel across town or across the country, Earthcomber sweeps the landscape for your personal favorites and notifies you when you are within range. What’s profoundly different from a Yellow Pages service or even Google, for that matter, is that you don’t ever have to stop and perform searches, one at a time. Moreover, no other software or service has agents working for you as Earthcomber does: You make your look lists of exactly what you like to do, eat, buy, see, hear, experience, and Earthcomber continuously looks for all of those things – — wherever you go.

Earthcomber is FREE for users. Users can download the free software along with free maps for every county in the United States at Users with GPS (Global Positioning System) will be automatically positioned on Earthcomber maps. Users without GPS can use the maps to position themselves.

I haven’t tried this yet, but the concept is intriguing.

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Gizmodo has a thing for odd riding mowers. Well, they’ve got a thing for all sorts of things, but two photos of weird riding mowers in two months is more than I expected. They posted a picture of Joe’s new favorite mower in early October, and are following that up now with this: weird Brit riding mower.

That, and more foolishness at