george w

Beat Box Bush and DJ Cheney

Bush speech mashups rock. From Google Video:

So, you wanna learn how to beatbox? GWB is back with another amazing performance. Surprisingly he is actually very good.

Previously: State of the Union? Not good.

Also, note the tags on that video, and the way somebody snuck “????? ??? ? ???” past the filters.

George Bush And Cognitive Dissonance: “Evolution Is A Lie” And “Bird Flu Will Evolve To Threaten Humans”

Alpha Liberal reminds me that Bush somehow gets his head around the following: “the jury is still out on evolution” and “the bird flu virus could evolve to a form that can be spread easily from human to human” eh, I’ll take any excuse to point to Michelle Leeds’ photo and bash Bush’s stupidity. bird […] » about 100 words

Frank Rich on Bush’s Last 1000 Days

Frank Rich’s New York Times op-ed column today was full of the kind of easy one-liners that repressives conservatives usually like to use against honest people progressives. I got it from my friend Joe, but because The New York Times thinks their content is golden, they won’t let me link you to the full-text. Eh, […] » about 400 words

Bush Joke

I wish I could admit the provenance of the following, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy. Here goes:

Donald Rumsfeld is briefing president Bush: “Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed.”

“Oh no!” exclaims the president, “that’s terrible!”

His staff is stunned at this unprecedented display of emotion, watching as Bush sits, head in hands.

Finally, he looks up and asks, “How many is a brazillion?”